Öckerö gymnasium

I miss the small things

I’ve been on the boat for over a month but it feels like its been a lot longer. I miss the small things like kebab and my moped. Of course I miss my family and friends but I have made tons of new ones on this trip. I miss Sweden even more right now since its warmer there.

Enough about the things I miss, today I actually have something to write about unlike my other blog. Today I caught my finger in my cabin door right before the watch handover. It was extremely painful and it didn’t help when Björn, the 9 year old kid, wanted to talk about Minecraft. Right after the handover I went to Hans Gunnar and asked for advice and he basically told me to take it like a man. I tried to but after an hour of pain I went back to him. This time my finger was in worse shape and he told me I needed to bandage it or else it would probably get infected. The bandage definitely helped but my finger was still aching. Hans Gunnar told me to not to haul anything or strain my finger which was nice for me since we brassed all the sails.

The food today was also very good. We had chicken nuggets for lunch which was amazing and we had a fish stew for dinner which was not as amazing but good non the less. There’s not a lot to talk about so im going to talk about my watch I had yesterday. Which was quite interesting, I was Rondman for the first time on the trip. I hadn’t been it before since we almost always were a day early to our destinations. It was very chill and there wasn't a lot of work to do. The night shift was even more chill since all I did was fold laundry. That is everything I have to say about today and yesterday. Thanks for reading

max b sjd2326


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se