Öckerö gymnasium

Impressions in abundance

Monday, the eighth November was an eventful day full of new impressions and repetitions. For me, the feeling of boarding Gunilla again was like coming come. Imagine which dream scenario it had been if we all felt the same. Unfortunately, it has not been peace and delight for everyone. I can ensure you that the transition is not as easy as you may think. After all, Gunilla has a tendency to radiate both hate and love.

The alarm in the morning woke me up too early, at 05.30. After a cozy breakfast with my family the tour to Öckerö began. All the way from Lerum, Thomas Stenström was played in the speakers. My biggest recommendation for you, Swedish music lovers. You will not be disappointed.

The goodbye was not as emotionally as I had thought, which probably was a good sign. Afterwards we threw the bags in the cabins which resulted in a total chaos. But you can exhale, now it is empty on the floor and the clothes are structured in the wardrobes. Though, I can promise that it will not take many days before clothes start to disappear in the closets. To be honest, the chaos has already taken over the control in some of them.

My first impression of the command was above all expectations. Infinitely grateful to most of them for being social, understanding and good at teaching. Let us hope that the good impression keeps throughout the stay here. We were divided into six different groups where each group started at one of six stations. My group, half of portside, started off by going a safety round on our lovely ship, Gunilla. Now we know how to avoid dangers and how to handle them, so there is no reason for you to worry about us. I mean, with a little luck, no major injuries will take place.

After a fifteen-minute break, we helped the chefs to pack and sort food into boxes. Since the renovation in the gathering room was not done, we could not carry down the dry goods. We also helped to put up lunch, really good sausage with mashed potatoes, which we ate outdoors thanks to the weather that was on our side.

Later we got to do what I have feared most (after sleepless nights), climb in the rig. It was magical, the sunset shone pink behind my back and the feeling of being so many feet up in the air is crazy. You can feel the adrenaline rinse throughout the body. Not to mention the freedom. Although I love to be in the rig I would probably 9/10 times not be the first to set up voluntarily. Perhaps it depends on the feeling of uncertainty. You are aware that you take risks every time you climb the rig. However, I live for the joy, adrenaline and the freedom when I stand secured in the rig while looking over the ocean on several dozen meters distance. That is what I call a wow experience.

Right after dinner I packed up my clothes and made my bed ready for the night. All impressions during the day made me very tired which resulted in a much needed 9-hour sleep.

In summary, I want to emphasize that I could not have got a better start to this journey. I am glad to be back and look forward to create new memories along with my dear classmates.

Stina Götsten SAS2023


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se