Öckerö gymnasium

Interviews in Gibraltar

As soon as we got to main street in Gibraltar we started with some interviews. When we where done with our interviews we started walking towards a pancake cafe. At the cafe we ate and watched the Swedish christmas series.

The day started with breakfast as usual.

After breakfast we headed out to Gibraltar. On our way there it started raining. The weather here has been very bad durng our stay unfourtunatly. As soon as we got to main street in Gibraltar we started with some interviews. When we where done with our interviews we started walking towards a pancake cafe. At the cafe we ate and watched the Swedish christmas series. On our way home we stopped by some stores. Before we got back to the boat we bought some candy for the trip to Agadir. Dinner was served as soon as we got back to the boat. We got mashed potatoes and lamb. As soon as dinner was over we got a delivery with food, so we started packing it all down. Tomorrow we are leaving La Linea. Hopfully the trip to Agadir will be nice.




Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se