Öckerö gymnasium

It felt like I was going to die

My name is Hanna Lilia and I’m one of the science students and now I’m going to tell you about our first day at the sailing chip Gunilla. The day started after a 6 hour sleep, at 7 am when one of the crew leader woke us up. We started of our day with a lovely breakfast at the big hangout area “The big mess”.

After the breakfast we had installation on deck were they told us what we are going to do during the day.

Because we came to Gunilla late the day before we had to unpack and put in all our things in the wardrobes. The cabins are very cozy. The theme of the day was to acclimatize to Gunilla, what means we had a security round, got a safety band to your knifes, helped the chefs and climb in the mast! My theme day started with the security round which was lot more interesting that I thought! After that we had a thing we will be able to do once we are on guard called rounds men! It feels like it will be hard and difficult to perform at the first time but that we will learn fast after a time! Although it was a little scary in the engine room it was very exciting!

We continued our familaryzation by helping the chef prepare the 15 pm sandwich and water break and some of the dinner for the evening!

A break later it was time for one of my biggest challenges here at Gunilla, to climb the mast. All the day it has been students climbing there and I have been thinking what my goal will be when it’s my turn to climb. I was incredibly nervous! It started with a lesson about how to climb and then it was time to try! I climbed on the rail, grabbed shroud and started gently to climb up to the first platform , which I decided to be happy and proud of! My legs were shaking and I thought it was really scary! It felt like I was going to fell of and die! After a while I was finally up at the depot. That relief can hardly be described, I was so happy!

After a while at the depot, the guard conductor asked cautiously if I dared to climb up to yard which I agreed to after a while waiting! So I climbed the last bit to the third yard. Different from the first part of the shroud it was much easier climb the last bit! Well up there the view was fantastic and I do not regret that I went up there!

Later in the evening, we who didn’t had any watch got offwatch, which we spent at the beach and in the Cadiz city. We all run down the beach and jumped in the ocean at the same time as the sunset, absolutely fantastic! We all had a wonderful time and the fellowship was incredible!

The evening ended with a quiet and cozy conversation! I think all students have already had good fellowship! I’m very excited to spend almost two months with everyone here!

Best wishes from a happy Hanna:)

Hanna Lilja, amidships watch


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se