Öckerö gymnasium

Its “soon” time for us to leave her Johnny

Today we woke up for our watch for the last time. We ate breakfast for the last time. And had our last lessons at sea. Everyone is so exited to be arriving tomorrow in Tampa, but sad because our trip is coming to an end. We spent our day cleaning the ship and preparing to leave.

Everyone is very stressed too. We had our last lessons and that means we have to finish all our school assignments. Everyone sat together and typed away trying to finish as much as possible.

At our last night watch, I worked in the kitchen and prepared pizza sandwiches for my classmates. Usually working in the kitchen at night is a long, boring and lonely job. There is not much to do and the only thing you have to look forward to is when you get to serve food to your classmates. But not tonight. Apparently, it was a cold night and everyone was freezing on deck. So all night there was two or three people sneaking away to the kitchen to make themselves a cup of tea to warm up. At one point there were 11 people in the kitchen hiding from our watch leader. I made a lot of tea and warm chocolate for everyone, and we even made microwave mugcakes. It is sad to say that our trip is coming to an end, but at least we had a really cosy last shift.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se