Öckerö gymnasium

It´s the little things…

Today´s a day like anyone else. We wake up like any other day, we go to sleep like any other day and we sail like any other day. When you get up on deck all you are met by is an endless horizon that stretches from God knows where towards the end of the other way.

While walking through the corridors you stumble upon the same faces as yesterday, the same voices as the day before and if you´re lucky you are able to overhear some conversation about someone spotting a killer whale or the toilet being clogged, again.

When the days seem so alike the only possible way to tell them apart are the little things. All the tears being shed over cleaning the showers or for the first-time getting banana bread for a midnight snack. Laughing yourself a bellyache over not being able to walk straight because of the waves or having a blast telling stories under the stars about something utterly stupid. One day we spend a good hour trying to catch a tremendous number of flies with our bare hands and in the blink of an eye everyone is chuckling over the watch members’ poor Danish.

It´s already been four days since we left the Azores and it feels like a second ago as well as an eternity. The only thing that you´re aware of is that you’re on watch until you´re safe and sound asleep in bed and then somehow back again on deck in the middle of the night praying to the clouds for it to stop raining. When we´re at sea you lose your concept of time, of day and of night. But you keep count of what will be served for fika, all the superstition told about kissing the masts, who always snores louder than a train unknowingly keeping everyone up and especially whose turn it is too deep clean the toilets.

Wilma Nymark – Babord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se