Today has been a really long day. We’re somewhere between Gran Canarias and Senegal. The wind is not with us anymore. Earlier today, I honestly thought we were going backwards for a while.
We had to start the engine and the Portside crew had to take all the sails down, they were not happy. We were basically standing still for hours before the captain decided to start the engine. Those hours felt like days for many of us. I was just on my way up again from the big dining room when everyone was standing on one side of the boat. I felt the energy coming back to everyone and they were all laughing together.
I looked down from the boat and in the water there were dolphins jumping around next to us. They were everywhere and I felt the joy inside of me grow. The dolphins were swimming so fast and they were so close you could see every little detail on them. I looked around and all of us were smiling. I had no idea some swimming animals could bring so many smiles and joy to a group of people. After the dolphins swam away everyone went back to what they did before. Now I have 2,5 hours left until my next shift as the night guard with my crew. I’m really excited because tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we don’t have to work as much.
I think we’re all having Christmas dinner together and some fun games too. I think most of us have gotten used to the life on the boat and aren’t as seasick anymore. Instead we’ve gotten some virus going around and everyone is coughing all the time. I think we have 8 people who have a fever and doesn’t have to work. The rest of us are just coughing but I feel like everyone is still really positive, specially after the dolphins today.
Vera, Styrbord
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00