Öckerö gymnasium

June 1

The day started with breakfast as usual, but we got frozen berries! Fantastic alternative to the pretty dull cinnamon and sugar on the oatmeal. This made the day a little day better for the midships watch, because we had to stay on the boat and work.

At 8 o'clock we directly got our assignments for the day. Some of us got to clean the outside of the ship from rust leakages and salt, some of us painted and one got to remove (a lot of) rust. But that is not all, me and Berra got to change one of the ropes in the standing rigging, a really fun and varied assingment.

The weather was sunny and it wasn't too much wind so the climbing was fantastic. We got started with getting new rope from under "the slope" and measuring the old one. Then we spliced, sew the ends together and pulled the whole new rope through. This sounds easy but it took us around 5 hours, handworking is hard! (and it was the first time for us both doing this on Gunilla).

The second chef suprised us at 15 o'clock with freshly baked chocolate balls, and we got to eat how many we wanted! This was followed by us in midships getting information that we were going to move Gunilla at 21:00, we were directly slightly dissapointed due to this meaning that we got 3 hours more watch than usual. But it wasn't that bad, we learned a lot and that is always funny!

It took alot longer time than usual because when we were ready and out drifting in the harbour, the ship that was leaving and we were going to replace were not ready at all, so we got to wait. Then we realised that there wasn't anything to put our mooring ropes into so we got to be creative with what was on the quay. But after this most of us we're really tired and slept really well to our night shifts of guarding the boat.

We can sum this up as an much more intensive day than usual, but much more exciting!

Melker Wikström


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se