Öckerö gymnasium

Kitchen on fire

The sun is shining with its golden beams over our heads at the start of our watch. At eight o'clock in the morning it is not unusual to see many tired faces even when our watchleader does everything in her power to make it as pleasent as possible. We set up a couple of sails as the morning turns to mid day and after a while we get the fantastic oppertunity to clean a room the size of a cubbord filled with all kinds of stuff. Down under the floor we go to carry out paintbuckets, junk,
and mysterious containers with unrecognizable writing on them.

As I put my head on the pillow of my bed after my watch I stop to think
about how grateful we are to be here. A ringing alarm wakes me up, it is
coming from the speakers outside our room and the captain is speaking.
There is a fire in the kitchen and everyone is needed on deck incase of
an emergency where we need to evacuate the ship. Of course nothing is
burning but it is a firedrill and people are expected to help unroll the
firehose and put out this massive fire. We are counted in and then
notice that someone is missing. A girl in my watch is nowhere to be
found. Turns out she was wearing noicecanceling headphones and did not
hear the beaming alarm. This was a great way to learn the mistake of
leaving one of our classmates behind in an emergency, something we will
never ever repeat again. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong
during the firedrill and it resulted in a boat evacuating safity drill
where everyone needed to put on their lifejackets, find their
lifeboatgroup, and get information incase it was not a drill.

Everyone is tired and for many the only thing they do is sleep. When
sleeping you feel alright, time moves faster, and you do not have to
think about anything at all. in a twenty minute break between lunch and
lectures you will find most in their room, maybe this was the reason the
girl did not hear the alarm. Maybe she was having her best sleep in her
life. Either way the drill is over and so is the day.

Elinda Birkhorst


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se