Öckerö gymnasium

Land in sight

The first thing I did after breakfast this morning was to go out on deck where I clearly could see the green hills of the southern England. I thought England was going to be a gray country but at that point I was really wrong.

Thirty minutes later it was time to have the last guard at
sea for a couple of days, In today's guard we calmly sailed outside the
English coast to later prepare to go into port. But before going into
port we where going to lay by anchor outside of Plymouth for a day.
After sailing for a couple of hours we started to take up all the sails
and go by motor so that we could get to the anchor spot at the right
time. When half of the guard was done we could finally see a lot of
higher buildings which was Plymouth and that was also the time that we
put down the anchor for the first time in this trip.

After our guard we had free time until eight o’clock the next day and
during that time Kiki did a presentation about Plymouth and England.
After that we had a competition on the deck where we split up all
students (and Björn) in three diffrent teams. The teams then competed in
four different mini games. Our team, DragonSlayers69, started of with
tug of war which we won against both other teams. Then we competed in
which team that could hit the most shoots in an life boee which we won
aswell. We then competed in which team could find all thier harnesses
first, which we didn’t win but came in second place. Then we ended the
competitions with an knot-competition which we won. So the
DragonSlayers69 won three out of four game (as long as you don’t mention
the name competition) which made us win the entire thing.

After the games I went to our room and fell assleep to prepere for the
next day where we would go into port in Plymouth



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se