Öckerö gymnasium

Land in sight!

After sailing for 5 days we finally got to see land. We had finally arrived at Santa Cruz de La Palma.

We were all very happy to see land (and of course we were happy that our phones worked again :D ) Around nine o’clock the boat was moored and everyone started getting ready to jump ashore and explore the island.

Me and a few friends started walking around and checking out the city, we bought some breakfast and sat by the sea. Like who does not say yes to the sea view for breakfast?

Towards lunchtime we became very eager to swim, so we jumped on the bus to Puerto Naos. The bus journey that took about an hour gave us an incredible view and a small insight into the island’s environment.

After 2 very great hours on the beach we felt ready to go back to Gunnis. We started walking from the beach and as we walked we discussed if we should’ve taken the bus which was cheaper or if we should’ve called a taxi which was faster. Just because we were really tired we decided to call a taxi, the only problem with that was that non of us knew what number we should’ve called or where we were. We asked someone in a cafe and they recommended to take the bus instead, and that the bus would be at the busstop in 2 minuets.

Me and my friends got a little stressed and started running, a little because we had a chance to miss the bus but also because we didn’t even know were the busstop was.

As lucky as we were we got to the bus in time, and unlike västtrafik, the busses arrive on time on this island. We got home safe and sound and that was my day :)

Klara Nordström sa2023


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se