Sunday 8/12-24, I just finished my last sea guard. It's almost 09:00, and we are slowly approaching our final destination, Las Palmas. In an hour or so, we are expected to be inside the port of Las Palmas, the city centre.
You could tell by everyone on the watch how they felt that the time at sea had passed faster than they would have liked. To say the least, I felt it when I rigged the jib with a few others. We took our time and enjoyed ourselves while we had the chance. It felt a little extra important, considering that we probably won't get the chance any to do it again.
I have recently returned from my off duty, which has been for a little while. It was a very long day, but in the same way, it felt short. Sometimes, time flies by faster than you think. I woke up at 03:30 this morning tired as you can only get with 3 hours of sleep. With a long watch and no sleep between the 2:30 am landing and a long day in Las Palmas, you can't expect anything else. At two o'clock, we went over to the Norwegian ship Sørlandet. A full rigger that is also used as a school vessel. Because our captain Anders worked there and knew the crew, we were lucky enough to get on board. Instead of cabins, the sleeping places were completely unseparated, with only a curtain separating girls and boys. After the visit, they set us free to do whatever we want. Hugo, Malte, and I went to the several-kilometre-long beach road to meet Olle and Kaspar. Later in the evening, together with others from the class, we went to a rooftop bar by the beach and had a good dinner.
Milton, Portside
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00