Our last 00:00-04:00 watch started like always. The first thing we had to do when we got up on deck was to check that everything looked fine. We made sure that all the coils were flaked, all the ropes were tightened up and that there were no debris on deck.
This task is important and has to be done, but it is not a particularly fun task to do. The rest of the watch, on the other hand, was really exciting. We worked hard together as a team and sat 17 sails in four hours! That means all of Gunillas sails except for one, the one that is called Möglet. As you can imagine, we were very proud of our efforts.
Todays 12-4 watch was our last before it´s time to change to a different one. I look forward to some variation, but at the same time it feels a little bit sad because it means that I won´t be able to spend time and work with our watch leader Anja, who has been great with us.
I have to say that I have enjoyed the 12-4 watch. This watch has included everything from furling the sails, cleaning the laundry room to all kind of maintenance work. Even though most of the tasks have been fun to do, there is one thing I will definitely not miss - the cleaning of the galley floor. It´s a dirty job, and on top of that you have to put up with a whole lot of cockroaches.
Tuesdays are special when it comes to cleaning, this is the day we clean the invisible floor drains. You find them under the dish washer, the benches, the fridges and the oven. The drains are a bit hard to reach so you have to lay flat on the floor to get to them and since we only clean them once a week they usually get to be disgusting. Nobody likes this place, except the cockroaches.
When we leave Cherbourg, it´s time for midships to change to the 4-8 watch. I really look forward to that and I think it will be a watch that suits me.
Ella Karlsson, Midships
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se