Öckerö gymnasium

Last free watch

The midship watch was on watch which meant that the portside and starboard watch, my watch, were free. It was the last day before our voyage to Dakar, Senegal.

After breakfast and the gathering we all took a nap and woke up right on me for our ten o'clock snack. After the nap some of us took the bus to the historical area Vegueta. We went to a museum of Columbus's old house and also a massive beautiful cathedral. The area featured really prey old houses. My favourite view was outside the "supermercado", in which we bought our ingredients for our lunch. There you could see a mountain covered with colourful houses. It was beautiful. We took the bus back to central Las Palmas where we went to the surng beach and played in the huge waves. It was so much fun. We made and ate sandwiches at the beach. The sandwiches, well at least mine, contained, cream cheese, mozzarella, chorizo, and a touch of sand. It was really tasty. After our lunch at the beach we went back to our home, T/S Gunilla, and ate dinner there, a "left over party". It sounds beer in Swedish. Aer dinner we went to the "Superdino" and hoarded candy and other necessaires for the voyage ahead. We ended our last day in Las Palmas with volleyball in the dark at the beach.

Ludvig Boivie


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se