I woke up in a bad mood. I was late for breakfast and I didn’t have time to eat as much as I wanted to. What a disaster! Anyway, after getting dressed we gathered on the pier to go to church. The sun had gone up just an hour earlier but it was already hot outside. Luckily, the church was just at about 5 minutes distance by foot and soon we were all sitting on the benches in the glamorous church. It had a lot of pretty woodwork and beautiful statues. The colored glasses transformed the sunlights into a beautiful pattern of different colors on the floor.
The ceremony began and the priest started talking. He spoke about the importance of faith and trust in marriages. The main point was to always have each others back and to be there for each other no matter what. I really enjoyed it and I got a feeling of calm. I’m not religious myself but I’m interested in religion over all and I like to go to church. When the ceremony ended a woman greeted me and asked me if I enjoyed it. Sincerely, I replied yes. After a short conversation she said ”goodbye, love you!” and walked out. I was left speechless and even though she might say goodbye that way every day I got a warm feeling of the genuine love she was sending out.
We stayed for a little bit longer and I admired more of the pretty details in the church. At that moment I didn’t really want to leave Grenada. I didn’t feel ready to face all the changes that going back to the ship would mean. We would switch watch (in my case to the 8-12-watch), experience more sea sickness and a go to a unfamiliar country. It’s great to get to know different places but sometimes it’s quite exhausting to deal with new conditions. But now we’re off with a good start and great winds. I hope you all are doing great wherever you are.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se