Today was the last time many of us had sea watch, at least on Gunilla. There were some who had done the 24 hour watch challenge, so many were very tired and half asleep.
The 24 hour challenge is when you try to be a part of every watch during the day and night. But the mood was still up! You still had to enjoy the last watch and make it as good as possible. At 2 pm we docked in Cherbourg and everyone started getting ready to go ashore and discover France. Crêpes, baguettes and croissants were purchased and everyone enjoyed the delicious French specialties. By evening, everyone was still tired and the day was still turned according to sea guards, so some fell asleep very easily while others sat awake. This is the last time we need to get used to the sea duty hours as we will soon be going home, which is very nice! Everyone is focused on the last port, but at least as focused on getting home, so now we are doing the last thing! Have a good time, bye!
Alice P, midskepps
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00