Öckerö gymnasium

Leaving Cherbourg

To day was the day we was leaving Cherbourg. Everyone in the crew and all the students were lined upp like we use to 8:00, after that I went to sleep for two extra hours because I was to tired like I just to be on the boat.

Before we leaved the port I went to ”Älva”, the other school ship from Sweden with 4 persons that had the day of. Älva is from Stockholm, and she also is Gunillas sister boat so they have a lot of similarities but I think Gunilla are prettier. Around 12:45 the pilot came so we had a extra lined upp 12 a clock to know everyone was back on the boat before we was leaving.

I think Cherbourg was kind of a boring city, nothing special to do so we made up other things to do like riding horses and play water game in middle of the streets. I also tried a lot of desserts and dishes. I tried ”moules mariniere” for the first time and I liked it. Moules mariniere is a french dish with pommes frites, moules and aioli.

The sea has being kind of calm to day so I think everyone are feeling fine so far. The captan told us earlier to day that the sea will be worst tomorrow so I do everything I can to prepared. I’m really happy the next stop on the trips are Spain because it will we good weather and hopefully sunny. We have 6 days at the sea before we arrive, hope are Dos are feeling so we can have some study.

Victoria. Portside watch


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se