About eleven o’clock we left Cherbourg, the little village we have been visiting under the last week. If you ask most of the people on the boat they would describe the village as sleepy. It’s not to much things to do and we have been unlucky with the weather, it has been most rainy and cold.
But the village has it’s pearl as ”Château des Ravalet” (a big castle with a beautiful garden), the cemeteries that takes you back to the d-day and the second world war and last but not least the delicious crêpes. But more than that the village dos'ent offer.
So today when Bo, the captain, told us under the morning meeting that we were going to leave the harbor about teen o’clock, there were no hard feeling. In about nine days we are going to sail from rainy and cold France to sunny and hot Portugal. How could someone be sad about that? The work force got work and prepared the boat for departure och the rest ran to bed.
Everything to prepare for the days on sea.
At eleven o’clock everything were prepared and Gunilla were sea-ready. The locks opened and the inhabitants waved us away.
The midships watch started in the afternoon at four o’clock and after already one hour we had set a new record on most puke, over teen on two person. I think that says a lot about the weather, the Cherbourg whether is with us. Its windy and rainy but we will get through it, thanks to our long stocking and rain gear.
That was everything for this time. Bye bye and hope you have a great time home :)
Ally, Midskepps
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se