Öckerö gymnasium

Luxury sunday

When we started our watch, there was red powder almost everywhere, we didn´t know what it was. Then our watch leader told us that the powder was sand, but not just any sand, sand from the sahara dessert. So sand from sahara had blown all the way to Gunilla.

On sunday mornings we get as we call it ”stekefrukost”. It is fried eggs with bacon. Our cook’s Vågis and Johannes always serves us with very tasty food.

The next best thing on sundays is that we don’t have any lessons which gives us more time to do what we like the best, SUNBATHING. Unfortunatly it wasn’t sunny this sunday. Yeah i know, how stupid with a SUNday without sun.

So instead of sunbathing we watched Harry Potter 6 in the common room ”big mess”. Trust me, you are going to know which room I mean as soon you get on boazrd on TS Gunilla.

Three o’clock it was time to stop joking beacause the general alarm went off which means we have to go up on deck. Luckily it was just practise. Our commanding crew simulated a fire in the laundry room.

And that was our sunday, bye!

Wilma Hansson


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se