Öckerö gymnasium

Making the rounds

Today I wasn’t supposed to be rondman but the person who was rondman had to do an important thing so I had to take the role.

20/09 2017

I woke up 09:00am and relaxed in my bed for almost three hours. My watch work between 12:00am – 04:00pm and we are suppose to be there five minutes before so I went up and put on my clothes 15 minutes before we should be there and were there like one minute before we should be there. In each watch we have a “Rondman” which means that the person who is rondman will go and check if everything onboard is okay and if nothing is wrong or missing once per hour. Why we are doing this is because it is important to have it clean and everything working like it should do onboard a boat, you also check if nothing is on fire.

Today I wasn’t supposed to be rondman but the person who was rondman had to do an important thing so I had to take the role. Each hour when I went to see if everything is okay I always started with the toilets and replaced wet towels with cleaned towels. After that I went to the kitchen and checked the temperate on each fridge and there are like 6 fridges. At each fridge there is a note that says the minimum of temperate it shouldn’t pass and none were under the recommended temperate. After I checked the fridges I went to the laundry and put the wet towels in a bag and checked if it was okay in there and it was so after that I went to freezer and checked if it was warmer than -14 which it shouldn’t be and it wasn’t so I went straight to engineroom and checked if everything was okay and it seemed like everything was okay. I finished my day with studying History and English after my watch.

Johannes portside


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se