Today was the last day to explore the Azores since we in starboard have watch tomorrow. Before lunch, we did a beach excursion at a beach and went on to a whale hunting museum nearby, where we learned a lot about sperm-whales.
Today was the last day to explore the Azores since we in starboard have watch tomorrow. Before lunch, we did a beach excursion at a beach and went on to a whale hunting museum nearby, where we learned a lot about sperm-whales. Fun fact: Some whale hunters found the new whale and thought that the oil in the head of the whale was its sperm and therefor named it Sperm-whale. Now you know :) The museum had preserved some ovens, boilers and other machines which were used at the time of whale hunting. We also looked at a whale skeleton and the ramp where the whales were pulled up from the water. It was interesting to se how they operated and handled the big creatures.
Since sleep is in short supply here on the boat, I was very tiered and in a bad mood after lunch. I slept a few hours and felt like a new person afterwards. Me and seven others then went to a lava stone restaurant here in Horta and ate some good food. We ordered mixed plates with different kinds of fishes and meat. The food was then brought to us raw, together with a hot lava stone. We cooked the food ourselves on the stones. It was fun, but I think I prefer cooked food when I eat at restaurants since it was hard to know how to best cook the different fishes.
On the way back to the boat, we bought merge from Peter’s Café and ate some delicious crepes at a café close to the boat. Now I’m back at Gunilla in my bunk, full and tired again since I ate so much. Tomorrow is the last day here in the Azores before the 12 days at sea to Portsmouth.
Good night from sleepy me
Agnes Nord von Bültzingslöwen, Starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00