Yesturday I started with watch from 8:00 to 12:00 with my watchleader Ingeborg. I was sick during the watch so I did what I could do. After working for four houres we ate lunch, we ate lassange and it was really good.
After that I went to sleep until my next watch. On the other watch
I climbed up to the Röjel for the first time without crying. After that
we ate scones and then we had music quiz on the back. The watch was only
3 houres because we turned the clock forword 1 hour. After the watch I
went directly to sleep because everyone is really tired after the watch.
Today it rained alot and we did many things during the watch. We starded
with practecing in the rig and then we put down some sailes. It is
pretty hard to work in rain because your hands become alot weaker and
the ropes gets a little sharp when there wet. The watch was pretty hard
but it`s fun when you have to do stuff because then the time goes
faster. After the watch I have just been on my lesson writing this blogg
and working with my assinments.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00