Öckerö gymnasium

Merry Christmas!!!

So, it’s Christmas today. You can feel it all the way to Las Palmas and Gunilla, even if we're going to celebrate tomorrow (the 25th), since we were going to stock food for the Atlantic and that takes some time..

The day started with the usual breakfast but with porridge for some Christmas feeling. Soon after the breakfast, a truck full of food that we’re going to have over the Atlantic, came. Everyone helped to carry in the food into the right room. Then the majority of midships and portside left to see Las Palmas, while we in starboard (and a few more) stayed and put all the food in to their right place. I hope everyone found it as satisfying as me. At least it felt like everyone was in a better mood compared to with the three past days with a lot of seasickness. Even if there are a few who have a little fever or cold. The mood was probably based on a mix between the relief of everyone not being seasick and listening to cozy Christmas songs, because Christmas songs can make everything better.

When we were done with packing the food into right place we ate lunch and then it was climbing time. We (starboard) climbed to get more comfortable in the mast and tighten up some sails. It was funny and seems like everyone starts to like it more and more.

This wonderful day continued with some cleaning. After that, we decorated the big mess hall with a lot of Christmas lights, there’s cinnamon bread with everyone’s name all over the room and other Christmassy things. It couldn’t be any better.

The rest from the midship and portside came back around dinner time and the seemed to have had a great day both at the shopping center and the beach. At the evening, we had some movie time with Christmas movies on the TV in the big mess hall.

Even though we didn’t celebrated Christmas today, it still felt like Christmas. But it wasn’t until starboards night watch when the rain was dropping, the air was cold and blowy, that it felt like Christmas at home.

Ella Sjöstrand


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se