Öckerö gymnasium

Merry Christmas!

Today we celebrated Christmas here at Gunilla. We did it one day late, because yesterday we were busy filling the ship up with all the food that we’ll need until we arrive at Grenada.

We started the day as we usually do – waking up at 07.00 to have breakfast. Since it was Sunday, we got fried eggs and bacon. At 8 o’clock everybody gathered on deck, both pupils and the crew, for information from the captain. It was my fellow classmates in midships watch that were on duty t today so portside and starboard had free time. Some choose to go to the town, Las Palmas, while others wanted to stay onboard.

The next time we all met was at 13.30 and for this time we had all prepared different scenes from Donald Duck’s Christmas TV to perform. But in the middle of all this, the fire alarm rang! It was no big deal; someone had just flattened their hair under the fire detector. So we all gathered in the common room again to watch the original Donald Duck, and then it was time for Christmas presents! Everyone got presents from their secret Santa. At 18.00 we all ate Christmas dinner together, lots of delicious food. We later finished a great day cuddling up and watching movies together.

Hope you all had a great Christmas at home, we sure did!

Elvira S


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se