Öckerö gymnasium

Minigolf on deck

Somewhere far away, I hear someone knocking at the door. Now a little more awake I can hear the door being opened.
“Goodmorning the time is 03:30 and you have watch in halv an hour, line up in twentyfive minutes”, someone says and I can not really tell who it is that is waking us up today by their voice.
I can hear someone turning in their bed and slowly the cabin goes from four sleeping students to all of us being ready with harness, lifejacket, sailing jacket and sailing pants.

When we get out on deck it’s dark and it takes a few minutes too before
the eyes get used to the darkness. From seeing nothing, slowly silluets
start showing up and after a while I can even see faces to all the
The first hour goes by slowly and then at 5 in the morning it’s time for
morningfika with scones. After fika it is already getting lighter and
the next hours of the watch go by fast. When it is twenty minutes left
of the watch people from the next watch start showing up. At 07:55 it’s
time to line up, and at the line up the captain tell us that some
lessions are cancelld today and to dress up nice and that everybody
should be on deck 13.00 for line up.
After the watch is over it is time for breakfast, I eat porridge with
jam and some milk and then I take a shower and then go back to sleep.
Next time I wake up it’s time for lunch, and after lunch people start
getting ready. When we go out on deck for line up the crew has made nine
holes of minigolf with tape as goal and broomsticks as clubs. So for a
little more than an hour all the students play golf together and have a
break from watch while the crew takes care of the boat. After the
minigolf is over it’s time for fika while the points from the minigolf
are being counted. For fika we get ice cream with berries and we sit
outside in the sun and eat our icecream.
Then it’s time to see who the winner of the minigolf is, so all students
gather on deck and then they say who has won the minigolf competition.
When they say the teamname it is my team and as a price we get one soda
each, so I was very happy.
After that it is time to get back to the watches so I drink my soda
change clothes and then go on my watch.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se