In the "Souk" we tried cristal and herbs. While we were doing this most of the other free people had a great time at the beach. Some even ran away to a place outside the city were they took a bath in a hole that had really dirty water.
Today was a wounderful day with lots of sun and a clear sky.
It all started with the worst rouse ever, by Einar, so everybody missed the breakfast. What a great start! After that we had a serius talk with the chef because sombody, DJ. Redrin, ate most of the kakaoballs we made yeasterday, to celebrate Deyas 17th birthday. Then we had the rollcall and the day sailed on as usally, for now.
Midship worked today and starboard and portboard were free and could leave the boat to try some new things. Me personally went to a famous market called “Suok” with almost all of starboard. In there we tried cristal and herbs. While we were doing this most of the other free people had a great time at the beach. Some even ran away to a place outside the city were they took a bath in a hole that had really dirty water.
When the day began to die out, I started to head home with my group. We had bought lots of weird stuff on the market like herbs, white crystal and fruit. On our way home we took a detour to the beach and walked slowly along it as the sun set. It was the most beatiful thing I saw today. When we came home after a fun day in the city, everybody were back from their day trips.
If I am to be honest this was the best day on this trip that soon will end. We are having the time of our life down here in Marocco with the great weather and this screwed up city and its people. I hope that you have it as good in Sweden as we have it here and that your weather is good even if it is cold.
Mattias Bergland
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00