The day started in a rush. We got woken up 15 minutes later than usual, which made me hurry to the breakfast. Today we got fresh newly baked bread straight from the oven and it was delicious, in contrast to the dry bread we usually get.
Afterwards I went to my cabin and put some sunscreen on my face due to the really high UV light here in Dakar. I had free watch today and planned to go downtown with three other people. While on our way to the market a guy came up to us and wanted to show us the way. We were uncomfortable with that idea so we said no to him a billion times but he did not take no for an answer so we gave in, in the end. He took us to his “big factory”. The walk there took like five to ten minutes but it felt like half an hour because it was so hot and I was a little bit scared of the man. When we finally arrived to “the big factory” we noticed that it was huge. He took us inside the factory and after a while we got really scared. Inside we met a few men who worked at “the big factory” and they sold me a folding fan which was a successful affair! I had been looking for a folding fan since the day we arrived here in Senegal. Afterwards we hurried away because the men told us they wanted to marry us.
After that adveture we took a taxi to the Seaplaza mall. It was a beautiful mall but I was struck by the contrast to the poor versus the rich side of Dakar. I felt so horrible when kids asked me for money and
water and I had to say no… At the mall we ate som delicious bread and interviewed some people from Senegal for our project in geography about emigration. It was hard because most of them did not speak English, but after a while we had finally got the material that we wanted. Thereafter we interviewed a student from Dakar University, we only got to interview one student because nobody else we tried to speak to spoke English.
After a while we started to feel a little bit hungry so we decided to take a taxi to a restaurant called Lagoon 1. During the taxi ride we discovered that the seats were filled with blood. Disgusting!!! I was
stuck by panic so we decided to take another taxi back home to the ship. Even if the captain has said multiple times that we can only take quick showers since the beginning of the trip- I took a loooong shower.
After my long shower we got a three-course meal for the New Year’s Eve dinner. The first plate was filled with a round bread with some sauce on and ham. It tasted good. The main course was ribeye and potato gratin. At last we got a berry cake for dessert. Then we went out to the main deck and partied with music, snacks and drinks. At the end of the evening, we finally saw some fireworks in the sky. Our New Year’s Eve celebration was perfect! My favourite part of the celebration was the party!
Signe Palm, styrbord
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00