Öckerö gymnasium

Not to long left

As of today we only have twenty-one days left of the trip, that’s three weeks until we fly home to Sweden.

This trip has been our last trip with t/s Gunilla as students. We have had three amazing trips with each other and Gunilla and soon we’re graduating. It’s a stressful thing to think about, especially when it doesn’t feel like time is passing when we’re on this boat. Well the time is passing, just very slowly.

This trip has been amazing, we’ve been to amazing places and seen so much. And just because our class is so amazing ans so good at sailing we’ve been too fast and come to Galveston a couple of days early.

Today we have had amazing sailing all day. We’ve had sun all day and this morning when I woke up we sailed with all sails for as long as we could. Then unfortunately the wind died, but to make the work of taking all the sails down a little more fun we combined it with an exercise of Man over board. We saved our little victim, made out of tree, in about 17 minutes. All thanks to teamwork and good leading from the crew it was a fast exercise.

At the same time it’s sad that the wind died, our class is too good at sailing. Right now we’re laying at anchor a little bit from Galveston and the reason we’re not in port is because we sailed here too fast. The way between Progreso, Mexico, and Galveston, USA, were supposed to take about seven days. Today was our fifth sailing day.

The day ended with a movie night on deck. Everyone brought their pillows and a blanket and we watched a movie on one of the sails. And that is one of the best things to do on this boat. Movie watching on a sail, it’s something totally different than watching on the tv at home. A good day with a good end.


Klara Nordström


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se