Today we left Barcelona, our departure was delayed due to an oil delivery that was late and because of that we left at 6 PM instead of 9 AM. The watch times have been rotated so we in the “Babord” watch have 12-4 watch instead of 4-8 watch. Which also means the leaders have shifted so now we have Karin instead of Henny. Because of the delay we didn’t have anything to do on our watch, so we practiced how to set the sails in a proper manner.
The weather today was good, a clear sky with just a handful of wind, but as soon as we left the harbour it became windy with some mediocre waves. The waves were 3 metres high and the wind was around 10 m/s coming from north east. Now we have a course of 110 degrees to Mallorca
and the sails are not set yet so we are going by engine. This sea leg is approximately supposed to take 24 hours to reach Mallorca. Now I’m going to bed and then go on my watch at 00 AM. I hope the sails are set by then and that my sailing and working spirit is wide awake.
//Fredrik Hammarklo
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se