Öckerö gymnasium

On duty

I spent my whole day on the boat. Our Sunday started as usual with ”stekfrukost” by that I mean, bacon, pancakes and eggs. Portside had watch today. The watch started right after our morning gathering. The captain told a couple of pons and then the day went off.

My guard portside was on cleaning duty. So we cleared out every little thing in the depository at the front of the boat. After a few hours of carrying and scrubbing it was time for lunch. Kalle and his helpers from portside served us pasta with cheesesauce. The lunch break lasted for 45 minutes until it was time to get back to duty. My task was to paint the polers on the front in black. It tried to be meticulous and I hope the staff approves. As I cleaned the paintbrush I realize it was water resistant and the paint stuck on my hand as well as in the sink. My guardleaders saved the situation with strong chemicals. Unfortunately the chemicals were to dangerous for my skin so my hand is still black.

When the kitchen announced that it was chocolate cake for ”fika” everyone went happy. It was a mutual happiness about the ”fika” that no one mind to clean, nor did I but on the other hand did not I get the toilets. We all cleaned with good team-work and we saved some time. The cleaning was done aproximtaley after 30 minutes. We were pleased with our acheicement but also exhausted. We tought we were done until our guardleader told one we had one more thing to do. It turned out to not be a bad thing. We did our night schedule.

At 6 pm we had dinner. They served french fries with hotdogs. I ate very much food after this long day. Not long after it was to get to bed because my night shift started at 4.30 am.

/Alice DM, Babord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se