Once again, I had a hectic morning. It all started with me waking up at 07:48, I jumped out of bed and got my clothes on and ran up to the main deck. With a tired mind I had no idea that it was my watch’s day to be on board, it took me a second to realize that most of my companions had their safety harnesses on. I peaked my head through the door and saw that I was going to be in the galley the whole day. The relief was huge. I had the right clothes and I was suited for the watch.
The day in the galley started just like any day, we made the dishes, prepared the upcoming meals and so on. As a chefs mate you are allowed to take a two hour brake between two meals. Some take it right away to get some extra sleep, some uses it to study but I didn’t use mine as we usually do. I saw the opportunity ask our First mate if he wanted to go wakeboarding. He was up for it and the day just became ten times better than it already was.
We got the MOB-boat in the water and warmed up the engine. Leo went first, he got up on the first try and stayed up for quite a while. When he fell in and we went to pick him up I noticed that he only had one foot attached to the board. At first, I thought that he just took one of, but I then realized that he broke the whole board. The left foot attachments screws had ripped off parts of the board. we considered to go back to Gunilla and quit the fun. But no, we managed to screw it back together and it was my turn to ride. I road it for about five minutes until it snapped. This time it wasn’t just the attachment that was broken, the whole board had a big crack from side to side.
We got back to gunilla freezing and jumped in the shower and then I got back to the galley and made dinner for the crew.
The day started with stress and ended with even more stress after I had broken the commanders wakeboard…
Jacob Carlson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se