Last whole day in Horta and last day ever with le professeur Jonatan.
Bonjour, today was our last day in Horta and we started it off with me and my dorm mates’ speciality: oversleeping and missing out on breakfast. The sound from our empty stomachs made us hurry to get ready and go eat breakfast at the local and only hotel here on Faial. We enjoyed the good tasting, unsweetened coffee and saw Portugal’s president walking by outside the window. He is here on the small island Faial to celebrate the holy spirit (Pingst).
Back at the boat me and some friends brought some paint and headed to the wall filled with handmade logos by people who have crossed the Atlantic Ocean. We added 2017 to the T/S Gunilla painting from 2001 and left our personal marks for future Gunilla students and other brave sailors to see in the future.
Last day in Horta meant last day with our teacher Jonatan. Jonatan is leaving us to go live in France with his (dancing) girlfriend which means that we’ll never have him as a teacher again. He got a nice goodbye-gift that you can see pictures of on Instagram @instagunilla. If you (Jonatan) are reading this: a special merci for making this and the last trip unforgettable with your enthusiastic ideas! Have a great time in la France! Au revoir.
The rest of the day we spent visiting the grocery store to buy as much candy as we could fit in our bags, enjoying walking on solid ground and watching the last sunset in port until Portsmouth.
Until next time,
Amanda Perols Starboard
P.S Big congratulations to those lucky guys who made it all through the last three years of obligated school, celebrate well!
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
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475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00