Öckerö gymnasium

One of those slow days onboard

There are so many more exciting and fun days here onboard Gunilla. Days where you for example get to see dolphins while you are standing look out or working. Days when you see no land around you just the open sea and the sun is shining and all is good or the days where we have full sails and we’re on a high speed.

Today has been one of those very slow days. There are so many more exciting and fun days here onboard Gunilla. Days where you for example get to see dolphins while you are standing look out or working. Days when you see no land around you just the open sea and the sun is shining and all is good or the days where we have full sails and we’re on a high speed. Or when it’s a storm. Even though I can get seasick when the waves seem to be above the boat side and it’s even hard to stand up right, it’s still so exciting.

There’s also those times when someone does something ridiculously funny or stupid and we laugh like lunatics. We are good at having weird and funny discussions as well I think. Insulting and teasing each other is also something we do regularly. Though it sounds mean it’s actually really amusing and it’s just our way of having fun and pass the time here. I’m very satisfied with the people here, especially those in my so-called guard. Of course I’m kind of forced to like them since I have to spend day out and day in and even night with them but I like them either way. They make the time here even more enjoyable.

Even those days we have a lot of work to do onboard here is fun because anything to do is better than nothing to do. Today was nothing to do. I’ve barely even taken a foot outside since I haven’t been on guard yet. But it has also been very relaxing. I think many people needed this day to take in on some sleep and homework. Last night we anchored and therefor we didn’t have guard during the night. Which means I got to sleep all night and that is a huge luxury for many others and me. I could wake up at 8 o’clock today and felt rested. I ate breakfast and then I started to do homework and from there I’ve basically studied all day. Boring but relaxing. Soon our guard will start and we will be working. But later we are setting sails to Gibraltar again and we will arrive tomorrow! So the boring and relaxing part will not last for long.

I hope everything is all good for you there at home. I will get to eat cinnamon roles soon so I’m good!

Regards Deya.


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se