Öckerö gymnasium

One week left until we are going home

Right after the break we had a big meeting with the captain
and he gave us some information about tomorrow when we arrive to Agadir. We had a nice talk and we took a photo because the watch leaders wanted a group photo on us with the sun and the beautiful Atlantic Ocean behind us.


Today we have only a week left until we take the plane from Agadir. It’s unliveable that we have spent almost two months on Gunilla, it has been such a great time but it will be so nice to come home now and I don’t think that I’m the only one that feel this way.

Today has been an amazing day, the sun was shining and the sailing has been perfect until after dinner when we had to go by engine.

Before lunch we had to clean and organize stuff that had to be done before we leave. It took time and it was a little bit hard and the sun didn’t make it easier for us since we got extremely warm. It feels that we always have something that we aren’t happy about, if it isn’t the raining or the terrible wind, it’s the sun that give us too much heat. Even though the sun was burning everyone was very happy, you could see that on everyone’s smiles.

When we had break, we got two orange slices each. It was nice to take a break in the hard work and get some orange and a cup of tea. Right after the break we had a big meeting with the captain
and he gave us some information about tomorrow when we arrive to Agadir. We had a nice talk and we took a photo because the watch leaders wanted a group photo on us with the sun and the beautiful Atlantic Ocean behind us.

After the dinner, we went up to the deck and looked at the beautiful sunset and after that it was time to go back and do some studies.

Ella Ahlmann



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se