Today has been a long day for us in starboard. This is the first sea route where we have 12-4 watch, which means that we work between 12-4 PM and AM. Almost all of the students aboard agree that this one is the worst.
Many of the crew in Starboard start their day at 10 o’clock with some exercise. Pushups, dips and skipping rope makes us ready for the second watch of the last 24 hours.
Anyway nine of all the twenty sails were set under the watch. The weather was sunny, hot and of course windy. With all the sails we made 8 knots as most. The maintenance work of this watch was to remove rust from the gunwale and oil the skinn parts of the sails, and as usual, sail. The watch felt like a sweaty and dirty eternity, with one banana break. With only 45 minutes left we all were looking forward to the next meal, which was delicious burgers made by our two chefs aboard, John that is a successful chef who in his previous career cooked meals for the king of Sweden. And Mats who is a strong fire fighter and paramedic, with passion for food.
Talking about the adult crew members, we’re all wondering how our DOS is doing. Yesterday she did not feel very good… Hopefully she will be in top shape when we are in Progresso on Monday. Then she will give us the best tips, show us nice areas and teach us about the society. Also this will be our last harbor with Anne-Li as dos, since she will leave Gunilla on friday morning. We are all going to miss her very much!
Now my starboard watch will move on to sleep mode to load the batteries for the night shift. The watch will probably start with the swedish song ”Ja må du leva” because it will be Filips birthday, with other words, it will once more be a long day for our watch tomorrow.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00