This day started early. At 00:00, I was ready on the half deck for my watch. It was a beautiful starry sky, with a bright moon shining. Today, I was on post duty, starting by watching the sea for ships.
The rest of the crew had sailing lessons, compressed trash, cleaned the laundry room, and took a rig walk to admire the clear sky. At 01:30, it was finally time for FIKA! Tonight, there was unusually good fika made by Nora and Nicole. The watch continued, and I alternated between steering the ship, lifeguard watch, and lookout. At 04:00, it was time for the watch change, and now Port would take over while we on Starboard were done for the night. The best feeling I know is going to bed and sleeping after a long watch. It didn't take long before I was in bed with earplugs in, sleeping like a rock.
At 11:10, we were woken up for lunch, and today we could choose between porridge or pumpkin soup. Now it was time to go on watch again; at 12:00, we were ready on the deck for our day watch. I was on post duty again :), and I went straight to the lookout and started scanning for ships. The watch continued, and it went much slower than usual. The rest of the crew hoisted the staysails, sewed rig bags, read books, and knitted. As I said, we set sail today, which is fun! We've been under motor for a large part of this trip, and now it became a mix of motor and sail. At 15:00, it was time for a snack, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out that watermelon was served today. Now there was just a pitiful hour left of the watch.
Right at the end of the watch, I stood as lookout at the front of the boat, and a bunch of dolphins came to keep me company. Right after the watch, it was time for classes. Today, we had Swedish, history, and religion on the schedule. Now we have to work hard on our school assignments since we don't have many classes left. So we need to put in as much effort as possible until the end! In the middle of the lesson, we had a dinner break, and they served chicken stew with rice, made by the second chef Jimmy. Classes continue until 20:10, when we finally get some free time to prepare for the watch at 04:00 again tonight! It has been a great day today. The sun has been shining, the weather has been nice, and I have seen a lot of dolphins! Talk to you later!
24 oktober 2024 Anni Khattab
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00