Hi everyone back home in Sweden. We students from T/s Gunilla are now in Portsmouth, Great Britain. We came here yesterday, one day too early actually but that was a good choice from our captain Jan because it was a lot of rain and wind today.
So far this trip has gone very fast in my opinion which is a little bit sad. Though we have gotten to learn our leaders better which feels nice. One of them said we were near our goal which was to become the best class the school has ever had. That made me very glad and I realized that we are actually pretty good at what we are doing here on Gunilla. As I said today has been a day with typical British weather. It has rained and been neither warm or cold. My watch was onboard and worked hard in the rain to get our precious Gunilla in a better shape than before. We cleaned almost all of the outside. Honestly I think we all were in a bad mood afterwards. We all were so tired and we were missing the sun that we have enjoyed the last months. At the same time the other two watches were free and they went in to the city.
The place that we lay on is beside the Spinnaker-tower. So our friends only had a 20 minutes walk to the big mall. In the evening we cleaned inside Gunilla and then some ate dinner but I slept instead. Our watch has only 13 students instead of 15 because two quit in the summer. So we get to sit as a guards which we do each night for three hours when normally it is two. One girl in the class did also had her birthday att 00.00 so some of us sang for her.
The best thing today was that I did not hurt my self when I went forward to the garbage room which was probably the first time for me.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se