Gunilla and her crew is now half way through the Cherbourg stay. We have only spent one day outside the city, then we went to the small town of Bayeux and studied the famous embroidery of the battle of Hastings.
We also visited some important D-Day places, like the Omaha beach and both the American and German graveyard and memorial. Feel the historical wing-beat and dive into deep feelings. One million questions. Emotional and important.
In Cherbourg there is a hill and on the top of it there is a military command. Me and my friends had a guessing about how high it was, the majority thought it was something like 150-200 metres high but my guess was standing out a bit; 400 metres. And even if it is 400 metres, that height is not enough to be a mountain, right? We don’t know yet which one of us who was the closest to being right.
However, we made a Kate Bush-decision, We’ll be running up that hill. I usually don’t work out or run but we have an assignment in P.E. which is to run, measure one’s pulse and to analyze the session, so I thought that I would might as well have that done. The evening was clear and beautiful. Pretty warm and soft. The air was easy to breathe. We went up, up and up, along a serpentine road. And finally we were on the top. Wow, that was amazing. You could see everywhere in that French city. It was worth every drop of perspiration. From the sea to the city centre, to the forest and the mountains. A fantastic view! I have to admit that I actually liked it a lot. Music is important to me when I work out, and one’s work out music is often another type of music then what you usually listen to. Yesterday’s top list was:
- 4AM with the German hardcore electronic band Scooter.
- When love takes over with the French DJ David Guetta.
- Night of passion with the Swedish hard rock band The Poodles.
Today I have worked as a watch of the ship, witch means that I had control over the bridge of the boat. And as we all know, (note, here comes the prejudices), French people are very social and curious but do not speak the greatest English. I could just have a functional conversation with a small percent of the visitors. When I had showed them around, some of them also wanted to talk about Sweden. As a Swede I am surprised over what other Europeans actually know about the cold Scandinavian country. Both in the UK and France are the Swedish crimes series a big thing. Probably bigger than in Sweden, from my point of view - Swedes do not actually care so much about, for example, ”Maria Wern”. It’s just a normal show which is on the TV everyday. The British people likes ”Beck” very much and here in France it’s ”Morden i Sandhamn” with the Swedish actress Alexandra Rapaport which is the most popular. And of course the writer Henning Mankell.
Not even here on Gunilla can you miss those TV4-shows.
Well, the mood is on the top here! Hope you have a good life in Sweden too!
/Love Cervin, 20/9-16.
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