Öckerö gymnasium

Saturday is the new rest day

You know that feeling when you wake up and you want nothing rather than continue to stay in bed.

Just that feeling I had today. But necessarily I needed to get up to set up on the everyday morning setup. When the captain had talked finished the day could be started. It was Port that had the guard today and it meant that the remainder had a free guard. I went right down to my cab again with eyes that had never been so tired as today. Once I entered the cab, Adam my roommate came in and looked exactly as tired as me and we checked on each other, and without saying anything we could predict that this day would be a rest day, which it became.

After sleeping more than half the day we decided to finally step out of bed to take a coffee somewhere in Galveston. We landed at a cozy little cafe and ordered each double espresso. We sat and slurped our coffee for a good while and while we did it we talked about how the trip has been so far. We agreed that this trip is something out of the ordinary and that we probably will never do anything similar to this again and that you should be grateful for everything life offers because you never know when the day is coming when you can no longer be able to live your life as you want.

Then when we got home to Gunilla again it was evening and we decided to take a run. Throughout the trip, I and Adam have run in every harbor which has been fun and inspiring because he is a skilled runner. Today it became a total distance of a mile, and we ran at 5 minutes of tempo per kilometer.

Then this day was also completed, although it has been much more calm compared to previous days, sometimes you need to find some peace of mind, like this day, to relax and to generate new energy. Together with Adam, the day has been lovely.

- See you later, alligator

Philip Midskepps


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se