Öckerö gymnasium

School visit

The day started as a normal day. We all ate breakfast and midship started working after the normal morning assembly.

We left the boat quite early to wander around the city for a while, we found a second-hand store and went to the local market to buy some souvenirs. Later we took an Alugier, a type of taxi that often is a truck with benches in the bed, to Praia de São Pedro. Where we snorkelled out and looked at turtles. We saw a lot of fish and many turtles of varying sizes. The current was very strong so it was difficult to get back to land but we made it anyways.

After changing we had to hurry back to the ship because we were expecting visitors. The visitors were from a High School and were very interested in our school and the boat. After talking and showing them around we offered them some blueberry pie. We ate and then we walked to their school where the students showed us around. It was very interesting seeing how it looked and how different it was from our school on Öckerö. Then we played the annual football match against their best players. It was very fun even though we ended up losing in the end.

The long day in the hot sun made all of us very hungry. Everybody was happy to see the food and drinks that the school had set up on tables for us. It was a lot of traditional food with different kinds of fish and a lot of different pastries. When leaving the school, we were all very thankful for the warm welcome to Cap Verde and all the things they had set up for us to do.

We walked with a couple of Cap Verdian students back to the boat. On the way we passed a basketball court and stopped to play for a while. After a pretty hard loss against some locals, we left our new friends and ended the day as usual with some food from the fridge and card games.

Eskil Rossander


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se