Öckerö gymnasium

Sea shanty – To Rotterdam she goes

This journey we’ve spent much time singing. After the 12-4 watch I have especially developed a liking to sea shanties. Therefore I decided to write a se shanty about this journey. I have not decided on a melody yet so sing it however you like!

While sailing the mighty Gunilla, the tallest ship in the sea

I had sat for hours on look-out, that’s the way this song came to be

So please come stay, and I’ll tell my tale, to Rotterdam she goes

So please come stay, and I’ll tell my tale, to Rotterdam she goes


Stormy weather incoming, hoist the colours up to the blue.

There came to be a tearing, as we watched it only grew

But as my mate would say with two broken sails, to Rotterdam she goes

As my mate would say with two broken sails, to Rotterdam she goes


Once we’d reached the coast of Iceland, we sailed into a fjord.

After a while we got so weary, we’d sacrifice the skipper to Njord.

But then came the whales and swung their tails, to Rotterdam she goes

But then came the whales and swung their tails, to Rotterdam she goes


We’d handed down the royal, my pal was sent aloft

While furling the sail on the portside, her arm was nearly whipped off

But as she’d say with a ripped off nail, to Rotterdam she goes

But as she’d say with a ripped off nail, to Rotterdam she goes


We came to port in Dublin, a noisy, bustling town

But once we went a’ pubbin’ the Guinness let us down

I won’t complain despite lack of ale, to Rotterdam she goes

Nay I won’t complain despite lack of ale, to Rotterdam she goes


Once we arrive to Rotterdam, our journey is soon to end.

Although this tale has been long and dreary, we’ve all made many a’ friend

Now the anchor’s laid, for some ten days, soon from Rotterdam she goes

Now the anchor’s laid, for some ten days, soon from Rotterdam she goes


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se