Öckerö gymnasium


It´s easy to forget the times when you are to seasick to do anything else than to be at watch and to sleep. You can´t drink anything and you can´t eat anything but knäckebröd, which results with zero energy. So you sit there, tired, thirsty and hungry.

This trip really is something, I bet you have seen a couple of videos of landscapes and sunsets beyond paradise. But dolphins aren´t always swimming beside the boat and the majority of the times we are bathing is not on the white beaches of Bermuda, but when we fall on deck and get flushed around in the waves.

It´s easy to forget the times when you are to seasick to do anything else than to be at watch and to sleep. You can´t drink anything and you can´t eat anything but knäckebröd, which results with zero energy. So you sit there, tired, thirsty and hungry.

But it feels so wrong to complain because you know that your dad is super jealous that you get to cross the Atlantic and he doesn’t. So you try to see the bright side of the situation. I mean you could sit the seasick, tired, thirsty, hungry AND cold. But you´re not, since both your face and your arms are burning after forgetting to put on sunscreen the day before.

Anna Rönbeck


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se