Hello! I Hope you have a great time at home! For me everything is getting better and better. I had the flu during the first week of the trip which still has an effect on me.
The weather has been really bad but yesterday it got way better. Two days ago, most people in my watch were feeling really seasick and most of them also threw up multiple times. But now that we can actually sail and don’t have to use the engine, everything is better and more fun than before. A few days ago, I thought Ii was going to die and that the time flew by extremely slowly, but it is better now. Compared to last trip I feel like a lot more people are throwing up this time. A few of the girls in my watch actually hit the record by 8 vomits during only one day. I saw some dolphins a few days ago and I am hoping to see some other cool animals at sea. The boat sails really slowly right now and i believe there is a risk that we will not be at Sétubal in time. But life goes on.. Love.
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