The mood in the guard is very good. Everyone is looking forward to arive at Gibraltar. We are all trying to step up for each other, even when people are seasick we are trying to get them to have fun with the rest of the group.
Here at Gunilla we have fairly good weather. It´s quite windy and we even had a little bit of rain today. But, in the evening the sun peeked over the clouds and it got a bit hotter. Besides the weather there is a lot of seasickness going around in the boat. A lot of people are feeling ill which isn´t that great. There is also a cold going around the boat and a lot of us are sick because of that.
Today we got to see the coast of Valencia and we left Mallorca behind us. The wind is supposed to lay down a bit when we get closer to Valencia and start turning to Gibraltar.
In my guard we are starting to look forward to christmas. Todays discussions were almost only about what food is the best to have on a christmas table. The mood in the guard is very good. Everyone is looking forward to arive at Gibraltar. We are all trying to step up for each other, even when people are seasick we are trying to get them to have fun with the rest of the group.
In the afternoon we had our first lessons fo this sea leg. A lot of people got really seasick when we were trying to read and write and concentrate, including myself. But beside that it went farily well and we were able to do lots of studying.
We are all missing you at home and can´t wait to see you all again.
With regards from midships own, Rasmus Andersson.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00