Öckerö gymnasium

Short time left on-board

The adventure has almost reached its end and we have sailed the last time as students on Gunilla. After October 1, we will forever talk about the journey in the past. Together on board we have experienced cooperation, feelings we did not know existed and things that common students cannot imagine. There are for example no words that can describe the sky when the stars are the only light in sight or the sound of the dolphins splash in a quiet sunset.

I am eternally grateful for the opportunity we have had and I don't want the voyage to end, even if there are only four days left. I hope the memories will live on forever as something amazing and beautiful. Although we have a short time left, we have some school assignments left to do. In our marine biology course, we will prepare a presentation about cultivated oysters farm until we come home. Today we visited an oyster farm to obtain facts and knowledge for the presentation.

The day started early in the morning when we walked to a school to borrow their schoolbus. The school had a cooperation with the oyster farm and the students get educated to work with it in the future. After almost an hour we arrived in a small village outside Cherbourg. The visit to the oyster farm was very interesting and we learned a lot. We even got to try tasting one, it tasted very salted and had a slimy texture. we had lunch at a French elementary school and we also had a few hours of free time in the small village.

Next to us in the harbor is another school ship from Stockholm called Älva. After dinner we mixed up with the students from Älva to run a competition. It was a quiz, tug-of-war, throw a rope in a savior’s wreath and some other fun. Unfortunately my team didn’t win but it was fun to hang out together. The day was very long but it was really fun. Tomorrow it is my turn to guard the ship together with two other friends. It is still many things planed before we go home, but I am sure this story will have a good ending.

Written by Alice Kapocs


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se