Today we have been in Lisbon. My group interviewed lots of people for our social studies project. It was hard to get people to answer, most were stressed and late to work and school, but it was fun.
Hi everyone!
Today we have been in Lisbon. My group interviewed lots of people for our social studies project. It was hard to get people to answer, most were stressed and late to work and school, but it was fun. Then we ate lunch at Gunilla after that most people went out into the city again to see some more of Lisbon since it might be the last chance seeing the city for some people depending on what day we are leaving. It´s really bad weather out at sea so we might have to change the day we are leaving.
I think everyone is super tired from all the new impressions and also some people have gotten the flu and we all hope it won´t spread too much so more people don´t get sick and that everyone is happy and healthy when leave the harbor to go out sailing. Hopefully we will have nice weather our last days here in Lisbon and a really great first sea leg.
Hope you are having a nice time in Sweden or wherever you are!
Moa Thorin
Starboards watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00