Öckerö gymnasium


Hi everybody in cold Sweden, or elsewhere...!

I hope you're having a great time since we are, if you exclude the fact that we are leaving the beautiful city, Malaga.

The day began as usual with breakfast at 7:15 AM and after that, a gathering. At the gathering our captain, Jörgen, told us that the original plan was to leave Malaga at 10:00 AM, but because of a delayed foodtransport we were'nt leaving until 6.00 PM.

After the bad, or maybe good, news, we started working on our lovely ship. The work mainly consisted of removing rust from the boat. I can't say that I was having a good time, but I know for sure that the rust had it worse... hihihihihi.

After the lunchbreak we were allowed to do what we pleased and so me and some friends decided to climb in the rigg . Up there we snapped some amazingly epic pictures and had a few laughs. But the time had come to leave the gorgeous city behind us, and head for maybe an even more gorgeous city, Barcelona. We stood on the sterndeck as we left the harbour in the shine of the extrordinary sunset. See you later Malaga or as you would say in Spanish "Hasta luego".

Best regards Sam Mårtensson!


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se