The fried breakfast at sundays gives an end to the week. I feel that it is very needed, because the days are melting together more and more now towards the end of the journey and it would not feel good if the weeks did to.
Something special
Today has been quite a peaceful day. We woke up at 07:00 am to eat some breakfast, the breakfast was the same as always. Oatmeal, cornflakes, bread and some eggs. Tomorrow though we will be eating fried breakfast since it is sunday. The fried breakfast at sundays gives an end to the week. I feel that it is very needed, because the days are melting together more and more now towards the end of the journey and it would not feel good if the weeks did to.
Even though the days may be melting togeter a bit something special happens everyday. Today when I was working in the kitchen one of my classmates came in and said that it was a family of wales swimming beside the boat. I got very excited and almost ran out on deck but saw no wales, so I decided to go inside and continue with my work and that was when i saw them. It was a big group of wales that swam behind the boat and blew some big clouds of water. I had hope for the wales to jump but I guess the wales was a bit tired as they only swam at the surface.
I think it has been a little bit too cold for a while now but as we are going south it is getting warmer. I heard that it will snow in Gothenburg tomorrow so we have to enjoy the sun here while we can. It probably even going to be warm enough to bath in Malaga witch would be really nice.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00