At the end of our watch we were all very tired and went quickly to sleep. I personally had a bad night and woke up several times, probably because the wind had under the night increased and made Gunilla sway back-and-forth
Between twelve and four at night. We in starboard watch had a calm night with weak chilling winds and clear view of the stars. Even though the lack of steady wind we sailed t/s Gunilla with almost half of the sails set, with speeds upward 2 knot´s and put 8 proud nautical miles behind us. At the end of our watch we were all very tired and went quickly to sleep. I personally had a bad night and woke up several times, probably because the wind had under the night increased and made Gunilla sway back-and-forth. We all would experience this later that day at twelve when we yet again would begin our watch.
When we got woken up by the previous watch we had forty minutes until the clock was twelve, and we had to be ready to install us for our watch and begin the day.
I was really slow waking up and came a bit late to the breakfast. Which also is our lunch because for the rest of the population that´s on Gunilla it´s their lunchtime. But for us in starboard who really confuse and change our day cycle and start our day with lunch.
Anyway, after the breakfast/lunch we began our watch.
Our watch between twelve and four at the day was hectic with us setting more sails and doing our first jive which at first glance might seem easy, or at least I thought so. But when the time came and the sails were flapping ear deafeningly loud our work leader, Karin, yelled out commands and pulled us through the jive swiftly and safely. But after when the noise and controlled panic settled, you could feel how your heart rate had risen and your breathing was fast and heavy. But being our first jive we managed it well.
After our watch, we needed to rush down for our lesson in physics and maths which would start just fifteen minutes after the switch between watches.
After the lesson, we watched Game of Thrones
That’s it form Gunilla, until next time
/ Anton, Starboard watch.
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475 31 Öckerö
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