The day begins with bacon and eggs for breakfast; it is a tradition to have bacon and eggs on Sundays on board T/S Gunilla. Not only is it Sunday with “stekefrukost,” but it is also the first of December and the first of Advent. The Christmas feeling started already yesterday, with the second chef, Anna unpacking the decorations, and every “backis” has been eyeing the gingerbread cakes that had been taken out from storage and placed in the mess to be used in the cake for the first of advents sweet coffee break.
The wind has been unstable, with us passing through a high-pressure centre, and with the wind coming and going as it pleases, there has been a lot of setting and taking down sails. And, of course, the wind comes back right as the last sail goes down. Now the wind has returned but is blowing in the wrong direction; about right ahead, right from Puerto Santo, the island that we plan to anchor at to break up the sea leg. The water has been calmer compared to what we experienced in the Mediterranean, but there is still a bit of a swell. During the night, a wind shift is expected to come in, and the calm that we had during the beginning of the sea leg is going to be switched out for some more wind and some rain squalls.
Albin/Starboard watch
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00